Wednesday, March 14, 2012

WIP Wednesday

Very little to report this week as I haven't been doing much sewing.
I did manage to finish 2 more blocks for Sew Out Loud.

The first block was from last week.....

 Then yesterday I did the 4th block.....

Love the fabric but I think it looks too cluttered and busy and the "pin this" gets kinda lost...
Not how I envisioned it at all.
This seems to be a case for "less is more"!!!
may be will be a re-do later :-(
 I got behind and hadn't even started the New York Beauty QAL,
Sew Sweetness

 I just got started on the first block...more paper piecing!!
I am using Circa 1934 fabric.. I have had a fat quarter bundle of this sitting on my fabric cupboard since it came out!
these are two parts of the 1st block that I started today....

 I think I forgot everything I learned about curves from doing the Drunkard's Path QAL!! They look slightly wonky!
As usual, I have no layout planned for the quilt.....I'm just going to do the 4 quarters from each block and then see where it goes from there...
probably a stupid thing to do *smile*
All of my other UFO's continue to languish somewhere in my sewing room. Poor babies!
Linking up to Lee at Freshly Pieced.
WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced
 My favourite day....checking out what others are doing!!



Heather D. said... 1

Your blocks are looking great. I love the first one, the little fabric stand. Very cute!

Debra said... 2

I thought i might give sew out loud a go too, and yet have not had the time..(i still anyhow i have decided to follow the new york beauty but am only making one corner of each to form a dollquilt...hopefully...
Your blocks are looking the circa fabric choice..
Happy sewing...Debra


Heather D. said... 1

Your blocks are looking great. I love the first one, the little fabric stand. Very cute!

Debra said... 2

I thought i might give sew out loud a go too, and yet have not had the time..(i still anyhow i have decided to follow the new york beauty but am only making one corner of each to form a dollquilt...hopefully...
Your blocks are looking the circa fabric choice..
Happy sewing...Debra